FCAP is a non-governmental alliance of health and socio-civic groups and individuals whose primary interest is the protection of all Filipinos from the ravages of the tobacco scourge. This includes both smokers and non-smokers, while highlighting protection of non-smokers from second-hand smoke. For hotels, bars, and restaurants, this also means protecting employees and workers from second-hand smoke.
In this light, we bring to your attention the following details of Republic Act 9211 (RA 9211), otherwise known as the Tobacco Regulations Act of 2003.
Section 5 of RA 9211 and Title II, Rule I, Sections 1-3 of its implementing rules and regulations (IRR) prohibit smoking in all public facilities including airport and ship terminals, train and bus stations, recreational places, shopping malls, movie houses, hotels, restaurants, schools, offices, conference halls, and in all enclosed or confined places that are open to the general public, except for designated separate smoking areas.
Section 6 of RA 9211 and Title II, Rule I, Sections 3-5 of its IRR require that designated smoking areas shall:
- not be located within the same room that has been designated as a non-smoking area;
- be completely enclosed or physically separated from the rest of the premises and equipped with adequate ventilation in conformity with the provisions of Presidential Decree No. 1096, otherwise known as the “National Building Code”, and the Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers Code;
- be fully separated from smoke-free areas by continuous floor-to-ceiling or floor-to-floor solid partitions which are interrupted only by doors equipped with door closers, and which must be constantly closed except when a person is entering or exiting the area; and
- have at least one (1) legible and visible sign posted saying “SMOKING AREA”, in English or Filipino, which shall be placed conspicuously at the entrance to the designated smoking area and include a warning in English or Filipino about the ill effects of both direct and secondary exposure to tobacco smoke.
If you wish to obtain a copy, the entire text of RA 9211, including penalties for non-compliance, is available online (www.fcap.globalink.org) for you to download and print.
Thank you for your time and cooperation.
Mabuhay ang Pilipino!

2/F Philippine Heart Center Medical Arts Bldg.,
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